Celebrating Together:

The Ultimate Guide to Dementia-Friendly Holidays
Full of Joy and Free from Stress!

Now available for the first time ever!

Join Dementia expert Debra Kostiw for this powerful presentation.

Discover the secrets on how to create a memorable dementia-friendly holiday celebration for everyone.

Debra is going to walk you through a series of simple steps to help you make the right decisions and avoid devastating holiday mistakes that can make your day crumble like a Christmas cookie.

Gain the confidence you need in this compelling training and discover how easy and stress-free the holidays can be!

FREE BONUS for all attendees.

After the seminar, we will send you a copy of "The Ultimate Guide to Dementia Friendly Holidays, Full of Joy and Free from Stress."

Space is limited! Sign up today!

Dementia waits for no one!

$199 VALUE

NowĀ only $19Ā 

December 8
4:00pm ET
December 9
2:00pm ET
December 11
7:00pm ET
About Debra

Debra Kostiwā€™s inspirational vision for cognitive care has captivated audiences internationally for nearly two decades. Founder and CEO of Answers About Alzheimerā€™s Inc., Kostiw has developed a dementia certification program and launched an educational YouTube channel to educate both medical professionals and family caregivers. Debraā€™sĀ cutting-edge strategies based on years of experience and research, led to the publication of her book, Forget Me Not. It was after teaching the highest-level courses for the Alzheimerā€™s Association that Debra was approached by WYSL, a local radio station, and hosted her own show Answers About Aging. Kostiw has helped over 1200 families and has taken the stage hundreds of times in multiple countries. Reviewed as the most influential Alzheimerā€™s and dementia trainer, Kostiws lifeā€™s work is devoted to those with cognitive decline and a desire to inspire a stronger, broader awareness of dementia care.